Sunday, November 30, 2008

Day Twenty/Day Twenty-One/Day Twenty-Two

Have I mentioned how much I love food? This is normal, but since cutting out the dessert I love food even more. AND cutting out the dessert has allowed me to eat much more food. Not in a counting calories sort of way, but in that now that I'm not filling up on sweets I'm hungry more often and therefore eat more often [deprivation is not in my vocabulary when it comes to good healthy food]. And since I could talk about food all day long, here's a list of some recent favorites:

organic blueberry and almond oatmeal
mixed with organic vanilla yogurt

Vegetarian chili
organic PBJ's [yep, still a daily meal choice]

Amy's Kitchen cheese-less vegetable pizza [which is sweetened with organic agave nectar making it both sweet and nutritious]

I'm also still addicted to Green and Black's 85% dark. I ran out yesterday and attempted the 70% again...still makes my tongue tingle and frankly, doesn't seem to have as much flavor.

And speaking of dessert, Thanksgiving was better and worse than I expected. Surprisingly, the pumpkin pie didn't tempt me as much as I thought. However, I forgot my family also makes persimmon pudding. I love persimmon pudding and Thanksgiving is pretty much the only time of year that it's made available to me so that was a hard one to say no to. But I was lucky enough to have sugar-free apple butter at my disposal thanks to my mother's recent trip to Appleworks so that + biscuits = my dessert substitute for the day.

And now I'm off to re-heat more veggie pizza for a mid-morning snack. :)


Wendy City said...

I love Amy's line! :D Delish (though sometimes overpriced)! You know what's super good and healthy and totally random? An Egg white/avocado/tomato sandwich on multi-grain.

mm!'s all this food talk!

michelle shea said...

Gosh, I love food. And that does sound good. I've had egg/lettuce/tomato which is delish and the even better turkey bacon/spinach/tomato [veggie bacon also works, but there's a reason I haven't been able to give up turkey so I'm partial to that]. I've never actually tried avacado on stuff, just in dips and such [well and it's on Amy's pizza and I love it there], but I've heard it's great on sandwhiches. Do you just slice it up like a tomato and put it on [minus the center of course]?

Wendy City said...

Yep - just cut it in have, take out the pit and remove it from the skin. Then slice it however thin or thick you like. It's so creamy and super good for you, to boot!

Wendy City said...

*half :)