Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day Fifteen.

It's winter. I'm overloaded with homework. And all I want is to give in to comfort food. But I won't. My experience this weekend after dining out is enough to make me stick to this. I need to feel my best right now and while gorging on candy would make me feel awesome right this second, the long run effects are simply not worth it. I am, however, indulging in a few more squares of organic chocolate and lots of hot tea.

After Saturday's crumminess that followed the onion ring fiasco, my sister and I toyed with the idea of doing a cleanse. There's a natural cleanse using a drink made with lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water that's supposed to clean the toxins from your body. The only kicker is that you're supposed to drink nothing but this mixture for ten days, no food. We decided to do it for about 12 hours. Perhaps when this experiment is over I'll give it a real go, but until then, I didn't want to add another variable into this month.

I'm getting increasingly frustrated with my co-worker's concern over my weight. Frankly, I'm not sure that I've even lost any during this experiment, especially since my intake of other foods has increased. But even if I have, I'm appalled that people would prefer that the weight be kept on by unhealthy means. If it's sugar that's keeping me in a certain weight bracket, would you prefer I keep ingesting the unhealthy to stay there? That doesn't make sense, but sadly, that's how minds work these days: It's not about health, it's about appearances. [And, it should be noted that most of the women 'concerned' are woman attempting to lose weight themselves who are perhaps just a bit jealous of my will power.] Personally, I would prefer to feel healthy and invigorated at any weight than sluggish and exhausted at another. Don't make me feel guilty for refusing to fill my body with crap.

And now, back to tea and homework.


Wendy City said...

"I'm getting increasingly frustrated with my co-worker's concern over my weight."

I haven't seen recent pictures or anything, but you are always tiny from what I've seen so unless you've gone and lost a substantial amount of weight than I think you are probably just naturally thin!

And I totally agree about not gaining weight the unhealthy way! I say power to you for resisting processed foods depleted of nutrients! :D

michelle shea said...

Yes, I am, for the most part naturally thin. Diet and excercise just keep the pounds from creaping in unevenly [and keep me feeling upbeat]. I think this project is just giving people an excuse to hassle me about it whereas if I'm thin and gobbling handfuls of candy all the time people feel that must be ok. [Which, again, is so illogical.]

But thanks for the support in a healthy way of life. I think it just offends people because they can't bring themselves to care enough to do it. [Which, frankly, if it wasn't for a goal in sight, I probably would have given in a week and a half ago as well. :)]