Monday, November 17, 2008

Day Nine.

I went grocery shopping today...again. Since I promised I'd cut out all items that were hiding high fructose corn syrup this week, I had to buy some new condiments. My purchases included organic Heinz ketchup and lemonaise. Yes, that's right, mayonnaise made with lemons. It's actually probably LESS healthy overall than my usual Light Miracle Whip [eggs are on the ingredient's list twice, once as 'whole eggs' and again as 'egg yolks.' Hmmm...aren't those in the whole eggs? didn't you already cover that?], but it is still free of fructose and sugar so it's now in my fridge.

I'm over-indulging on the Green & Black tonight [85% of course]. I read the other day that chocolate, since it is made from the cocoa berry, is actually a fruit [logical, but I'm never thought of it that way]. So now I'm craving cocoa berries. Seriously, I feel like I can actually taste the 'berry' flavor in my chocolate so it's tricking me into thinking it's fruit and therefore ok.

Today at the office a co-worker brought in fruit salsa with cinnamon sugar chips for dipping. The smell alone was killing me. I craved cinnamon all day, which is ironic because the cinnamon I could have had, but mix it with sugar and it's off limits. So I came home for lunch and had organic PBJ's for a touch of sweetness to get me thru the day.

Overall, not much else to update. Well, there are a few possible developments, but I want to give them another week to make sure they're effects of the experiment and not a fluke in timing. Until then, at least the headaches and cold symptoms have nearly subsided.