Friday, December 5, 2008

Day Twenty-Seven.

So tonight my parents took me out to Chili's for dinner. I really considered ordering a black bean burger, but had to veto that idea when I realized that I always order it with a chocolate shake, it just wouldn't taste right without it.

It will be interesting to see what I will allow myself to eat after this whole thing is over with. While I have no desire to go back to my daily sugar habit, I will be relieved to be able to stop reading the label of every food item I pick up. [Ok, let's face it, I'll probably still be reading labels, but sometimes I'll care about the sugar content and sometimes the food on the front will just look too delicious.] I honestly do LOVE the way I feel now that I'm not poisoning my body with sugar. I've never felt healthier for this time of year. Usually by now I'm reaching for the Dayquill like the rest of the world, but this month there's not so much as a sniffle [disregarding the first week of flu-like withdrawal, that is].

Frankly, I'm not even tempted by the five boxes of cookies that now live in the corner of my office. I'd rather feel on top of my game all week long than have two seconds of sugar on my tongue.