Monday, December 8, 2008

Day Twenty-Nine/Day Thirty.

So this is it: The End. It's sort of anti-climactic since I have no real cravings left. I doubt I'll be binge-eating dessert tomorrow or anything. Actually, with as good as my health has been lately I might never look back. Strike that, I might indulge in the occasional craving, but it has to be worth it. For instance, the second I get a dinner buddy, I'm all about a turkey burger/chocolate milkshake combo at some point, but at the same time I doubt I'll be indulging in the office cookie stash just for the heck of it. I'll allow myself to eat the lean pockets in my freezer, but I'll definitely be keeping mental notes on how my body feels afterwards. Really it's all about balance. And listening to my body. But I'm rather impressed with myself for making it thru this month not only alive, but healthier.

And now I have a question for you, my handful of readers: any questions?
I'll start writing my WUNT article sometime this week and it would be nice to be able to anticipate any information that a reader might want to hear about. Obviously, the basics will be covered, but is there anything nagging at your thoughts about my experience that you feel I should also share? Let me know.