Saturday, December 6, 2008

Day Twenty-Eight.

Thanks to a fellow foodie, I've made a delicious discovery: Avocado. I've had it before in dips and on pizzas, but I've never braved a fresh purchase of my own. Quite frankly, I wasn't even sure how to prepare it [and had to ask]. Today, I've had it twice. The first was on an egg sandwich with turkey bacon and red bell pepper. A-mazing. Though I'm still not sure I have my avocado slicing down right because it kind of turned to mush. However, this lead me to an interesting idea: I've been using organic Dijon dressing on sandwiches in an attempt to replace my beloved Miracle Whip [the lemonaise was used exactly once, I can't take the idea of ingesting almost all egg yolk when it doesn't even taste that good], but with the avocado mush it lead to an interesting taste and texture. So this evening I had another egg sandwich [don't judge, I get on daily, sometimes weekly food kicks and eat the same thing three times a day, that's my prerogative] topped with spinach and an avocado/Dijon mixture as my spread. Surprisingly very yum! [Still not Miracle Whip, but it's getting tastier.]