Thursday, August 27, 2009

Round 2: Day Six.

The interesting thing about starting a project like this is that, suddenly and inexplicably, you find yourself bombarded with free sweets. First, there was the free cheesecake on day three. Since then there's been offers of more cheesecake [we do employee samplings], chocolate chips* at work [when you'll pretty much eat anything to get thru the shift], and just today, free Starbursts* handouts from a inexplicably generous co-worker.

Now, as I've stated, my willpower is pretty good when it comes to saving my own wallet from sugar spending during this month, in fact it's part of the incentive for this project, but I'm not one to turn down a free treat. Junk food is expensive in Chicago so I cringe at the thought of passing up anything free.

With that being said, I should mention that the parental units are visiting for the next few days. Free meal outings and long touristy trips around the city may weaken my defenses, we shall see.

*For the record, while I safely avoided my second cheesecake encounter, I did partake in the chocolate chips and Starburst [I know, I'm so fired], but they're a small ripple in what used to be a wave pool of indulgences so cut me some slack.